Are DevOps and Cloud Essential Assets in
Digital Transformation?
Digital transformation, in the context of a
business, happens when it fully leverages a mix of digital technologies to
transform its activities, processes, competencies, and models, keeping both
present and future shifts in mind.
Let's first consider DevOps and what it
signifies for your digital transformation efforts. DevOps is also a fairly new
concept to most people. DevOps is gaining in importance as most software
companies are providing the software as a service, and operating their product
on behalf of their customers. It refers to the participation of operations and
development engineers in the entire service lifecycle of a product, from design
through the development process to production support. It is also characterized
by operations staff making use of many of the same techniques as developers for
their systems work, automating agile methodology. DevOps development company changes a whole and specifically redefines cloud development by enabling responsive
development in real-time to meet the needs of the business.
It's important to digital transformation
lies in:
1. The DevOps culture and set of processes
enable the creation and improvement of products at a much faster pace, offering
continuous software delivery, improving functionality and encouraging
innovation. The collaborative way of functioning also reduces complexity and
encourages innovation and aids digital transformation efforts.
2. Companies today are required to change
the way they function, they are required to shorten work cycles, increase the
delivery frequency and experiment continually to ensure that their products are
responsive and innovatively designed to meet the needs of their customers.
DevOps meets these expectations.
3. With DevOps, developers are not working
in silos anymore, not knowing what operations want. They don't write code and
submit it and ignore the matter after that. They now have improved visibility
into the way the application operates and are responsive and agile enough to
make sure that it meets user needs.
4. DevOps is especially useful to a cloud
development project as it improves application development speed-to-delivery to
meet business needs faster, responding faster to user requirements and lowering
the costs of development, testing, deployment, and operations.
5. The cloud platform offers a centralized
enterprise system for DevOps to test its development, deploy it and go to
production easily, without a distributed enterprise system which complicates
such development.
6. Most private cloud computing providers
support DevOps systematically on their platform, making DevOps cloud-centric to
enable continuous integration and offering tools for continuous development, as
well as centralized governance and control over the various departments.
Centralized development and shared test
environments lead to waste while polluting the test data and creating a greater
demand for resources. When leveraging cloud-based resources, the endless wait
for capital resources to be approved and made available is over. With DevOps in
the cloud, it becomes very easy to track the use of resources by application,
developer, user, data, etc., lessening the need to track them separately. This
mutual dependency is making DevOps drive the growth of cloud, reinforcing each
other while enabling the growth of the enterprise itself.
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